GRACE'S MUSINGS: In conversation with…Jackie Lamyman

Caught off guard with perimenopausal symptoms in her early 40s, Made of More founder, Jackie Lamyman, has created a skincare brand designed specifically to treat hormonal skin changes that can have a devastating impact as we go through this time in our life. I was so lucky to catch up with Jackie recently to talk about Made of More, the menopause, and her own experiences. She says: “Now is not the time for concealment; it’s a time to proudly step forward and demand attention.” I couldn’t agree more.
I've been using and LOVING their night cream and face wash; my skin feels hydrated and nourished, soothed and calm! And we've got 15% off Made of More with code GRACE15. P.S. I bought these products; they were NOT gifted!
First of all, can you tell us a little about Made of More and how it all began?
Made of More is a skincare range designed to specifically navigate changes to skin during midlife (from 40) as well as all stages of perimenopause and menopause. I started to experience perimenopause symptoms at the age of 42 and one of the biggest changes for me was in my skin. Usually well behaved; it developed all the behavioural habits of a toddler. My usual skincare routine stopped working for me and it became a real challenge finding products that helped.
What is it about Made of More products that make them different to other skincare brands formulated specifically for perimenopause and menopause symptoms?
At Made of More we don’t think about anti-aging – more so embracing this life stage and feeling the best of yourself while giving your skin exactly what it needs. We recognise that our audience is well versed in skincare and won’t be fobbed off with bog standard ingredients that no longer cut it. For example we use Coolin, an ingredient normally used in SPFs, because it helps cool the skin down in high temperatures; and we name all of our ingredients by their trade names so you can look them up for yourself – transparency is key. We are always guided by data too – each ingredient has its own trials to back up its efficacy, while each product is filled with maximum active ingredients rather than unnecessary fragrances, which can often irritate sensitive, dry and inflamed skin.
What were your own experiences with the menopause that helped to shape Made of More and the products you offer?
The most significant experience for me was an emotional one, which has really informed who we are and what we are about. I’d had enough of feeling old, enough of being spoken down to and enough of being treated like I didn’t have a clue. Women so often are the lynchpins of the family and they deserve to be treated like queens – not forgotten about and left in the kitchen! I wanted to create a solution not only for me but for other women to ensure they too felt like they were made of more.
How did your background as the Co-founder of a CBD company influence the approach you took in formulating your skincare products?
I found it fascinating that there was a natural product out there that had so many health benefits and wide reaching impacts. We’re lucky to be able to grow hemp on our farm in Lincolnshire. It has great benefits for the soil and for the environment. Hemp captures more carbon from the atmosphere than a mature wood of the same area would. I’d used our CBD oils on burns, eczema and rashes and had long hoped to be able to use it in skincare. Through learning about the benefits of CBD, I looked one step further at CBG, a different type of Cannabinoid that is actually the stem cell from which all other cannabinoids are formed, making it a really powerful ingredient. It delivers a potent hit of hydration while also acting as an antioxidant to shield skin against damage and sensitivity. At the same time, it cleverly balances sebum levels to ensure skin stays clear and radiant.
Can you tell us a little about your range and the benefits they have for women going through this stage in their life?
I spent hours speaking to menopause experts, women and doctors to find out what women were concerned about with their skin at this stage. Principal concerns were dullness, dryness, redness, rosacea and increased sensitivity. We have four products at the moment which provide a great foundation and streamlined routine for skin and use data backed ingredients to improve these symptoms.
What’s the most important advice you would give to women going through the menopause?
I understand that for women this is such a tricky time – juggling a career, teenagers, parents, partners, etc. Without menopause that would be a stressful time, let alone coupled with symptoms that seem impossible to fathom both physically and mentally. My girlfriends have been my saviour and I would encourage any women who are feeling overwhelmed to reach out to their girlfriends. Chances are if you’re struggling, they are too.
What would you say to midlife women who begin to feel invisible and less confident as they age?
Please don’t let society dictate how you feel or how you should behave! You are stronger than you think. I believe that this is our time and your best is yet to come. Sometimes this is difficult to believe, but I haven’t met a single woman who wants to go back to their 20s or 30s. As getting older is inevitable, it’s definitely better to embrace it rather than fight it! With every order I include a We are Made of More (temporary) tattoo – a little reminder that this is OUR time.
Who has been your greatest inspiration?
The menopausal community have been absolutely incredible. I have been so lucky to meet such inspiring women who, most importantly, lift each other up and support each other. Heather Jackson, co-founder of Gen M, is a successful businesswoman in her own right and based on her own menopause experience founded a community platform to help bring businesses together and help women. Finding some light in the darkness provides great comfort for every woman out there.
Hardest challenge you’ve had to face?
Launching a business in a new area for me while navigating menopause and teenagers, one of whom has Type 1 Diabetes, has been hugely challenging. Sometimes just putting one foot in front of the other has felt like a challenge. Building a brand community and trying to raise retailer awareness can often feel like pushing water uphill too!
Accomplishment you are most proud of?
Launching Made of More last October was such an incredible moment. It was the culmination of years of hard work with some amazing women. The brand is my fourth child and I am so grateful to all the team that have worked so hard on it.
Top beauty ‘must have’ in your makeup bag?
I am never far from a tube of Made of More’s Salvation Rescue Balm. It provides an extra hit of moisture whenever needed and it has silicone free microparticles to ‘take the edge off’ tired skin!
And finally, your favourite quote to live by?
The indomitable Anita Roddick once said: ‘If you think you’re too small to make an impact try sleeping with a mosquito in the room’. A reminder to all small business owners out there!